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Re: Non-root install of MariaDB


Thanks Kristian.

An instant alternative (for the sake of future users) that was suggested to me was MySQL Sandbox that could be customized for MariaDB too.

On Nov 5, 2010, at 3:43 AM, Kristian Nielsen wrote:

Arun Jagatheesan <arun.jagatheesan.work@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

Is it mandatory to be a privileged user for MariaDB? (hope not so).
No, it's not.

Is there an existing documentation or any suggestions for a non-root
instal of MariaDB on Linux (CentOS)?
I would suggest starting from the INSTALL file in the distribution,  

    "Installing MySQL from Generic Binaries on Unix/Linux"
    "MySQL Installation Using a Source Distribution"

They describe installing from binary tarball or source as the root user, but
should be easy to adapt to use non-priviledged user.

 - Kristian.
