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Re: pam plugin does't compile on FreeBSD


On 09.01.2012 16:55, Sergei Golubchik wrote:
Hi, geoffroy!

On Jan 04, geoffroy desvernay wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm mariadb's port maintainer for FreeBSD, and I'd like to get it
compile before pushing the 5.2.10 update...

Seems to be the same problem than under OSX: (with openpam)

Sergei Golubchik wrote 'Fixed' in the referenced mail, but I don't know
if it's fixed by removing pam support for OSX or ? (did not find any
difference in bzr branch 5.2)

I haven't pushed yet.
The fix was to rename pam_info (as it conflicted with openpam).

Thank you !

I found in the meanwhile that simply removing "#include <security/pam_modules.h>" from that file did the trick too (at least it permitted me to compile and use the pam_auth plugin successfully) -

I pushed that horrible trick in the port for the moment, and I'll revert to your patch with next update, after testing it of course :)

*geoffroy desvernay*
C.R.I - Administration systèmes et réseaux
Ecole Centrale de Marseille
