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Re: help tables are obsolete



>>>>> "Federico" == Federico Razzoli <federico_raz@xxxxxxxx> writes:

Federico> Hello
Federico> I suppose that you are not going to document MariaDB's features in the help tables. Thought, I think you don't know that the MariaDB 5.5.25 help tables still have MySQL 5.1 contents. This means that:

We should do that, just haven't had time and resources to do it :(
The main problem is that the original help files are automaticly
created from the MySQL manual and it's very hard to update these by hand.

All MariaDB features are documented at kb.askmonty.org

Federico> * MySQL 5.5 features (like SIGNAL) are not documented
Federico> * Existing contents point to MySQL 5.1 documentation.

Federico> I hope that this feedback is useful.

What we could do is to take the help tables from MYSQL 5.5 and copy
them to MariaDB to at least get all MySQL 5.5 features documented.

