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Fwd: [debian-mysql] Bug#688505: MariaDB packaging.


A good wishlist. I think more should vote for this, quite clearly!


Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: Robert de Bath <robert$@debath.co.uk>
> From: Robert de Bath <robert$@debath.co.uk>
> Subject: [debian-mysql] Bug#688505: MariaDB packaging.
> Date: 23 September 2012 16:25:39 GMT+08:00
> Resent-To: debian-bugs-dist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: submit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Resent-Cc: Debian MySQL Maintainers <pkg-mysql-maint@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: Robert de Bath <robert$@debath.co.uk>, 688505@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Package: mysql-server
> Version: 5.5.24+dfsg-8
> Severity: wishlist
> My very technically savvy webhost has recently switched from MySQL to
> MariaDB and claim it's for both technical and political reasons.
> Both of these reasons (better performance and better licensing) appear
> to be good reasons for the software to be packaged as a Debian package
> and I expect it's getting to the point that someone will do it themselves.
> BUT the software is technically still not a forked variant of MySQL
> but a patched version where the maintainers continually resync to the
> Oracle releases. For this reason I would like to see it treated as just
> a simple MySQL version within Debian. This way the users (ie: me) can
> simply switch by prodding apt in the right way.
> For this to work seamlessly (unlike, for example, the recent multimedia
> troubles) the MariaDB package should be packaged identically to MySQL,
> which IMO is best done by the same Debian maintainers.
> So my request is that you package the MariaDB as a secondary version of
> MySQL in such a way that the two packages can be seamlessly switched within the Debian system.
> -- 
> Rob.                          (Robert de Bath <robert$ @ debath.co.uk>)
>                                             <http://www.debath.co.uk/>
> _______________________________________________
> pkg-mysql-maint mailing list
> pkg-mysql-maint@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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