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Re: Reading a field's default value from a trigger


--- Ven 18/1/13, Michael Widenius <monty@xxxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:

> Da: Michael Widenius <monty@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Oggetto: re: [Maria-discuss] Reading a field's default value from a trigger
> A: "Federico Razzoli" <federico_raz@xxxxxxxx>
> Cc: "Maria Discuss" <maria-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Data: Venerdì 18 gennaio 2013, 19:51
> This is a bug in how MariaDB / MySQL detects if a field has
> a default
> value.  It's probably because of this is a trigger on
> 'new', which is
> not something that is apparently not handled properly.
> Do you want to try to fix it yourself?
> (Shouldn't take many minutes ;)
> Regards,
> Monty

Hi Monty,
sorry I'm not experienced in C and I don't know MySQL code.

>From what you written, my guess is that the condition in Field::set_explicit_default is wrong... but I'm not sure.

However, I think I can write a test in triggers.test if you want

Federico Razzoli
