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Message #00814
Re: int(x) does nothing
Hi Richard,
If I am not mistaken then I believe what you're looking for is this:
2013/5/15 Richard Couture <rrc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> We discovered that declaring an int(x) of x characters does not seem to
> impose any restrictions what-so-ever on the size of data that can be stored
> in that int. Storing an int of greater dimension than that which was
> declared does NOT even generate a warning.
> Can someone please tell us why we are allowed to make such declarations
> and what are there purposes?
> Thanks
> Richard
> --
> LinuxCabal Asociación Civil
> Ing. Richard Couture
> Novell CNE, ECNE, MCNE
> HP/Compaq ASE
> Tel.: (+52) (333) 145-2638
> Cel.: (+52) (044) 333 377-7505
> Cel.: (+52) (044) 333 377-7506
> Web:
> E-Mail: rrc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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