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Re: mariadb update through yum repo when new version is available?


Am 16.05.2013 11:14, schrieb Rafał Radecki:
> I use http://yum.mariadb.org/5.5.30/centos6-amd64/ . Current version is 5.5.30. I would like to use the same
> version on all my mariadb machines so that (for example) the file format of storage engines would be the same (I
> make frequently rsyncs between servers). Lets assume that a new version 5.5.31 would be available in repo and then
> an update would be made. Are updates from 5.5.X to 5.5.Y always safe (small changes) or there can be problems/I
> should always read release info?

as also for oracle mysql you should always use "mysql_upgrade -u root -p"
after updates, the binary format is unchanged in minor updates at all

usually there are also no changes in the scheme of the mysql-db

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