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Re: bugs in the testsuite


Hi, Reindl!

On Mar 05, Reindl Harald wrote:
> hi, i see the errors below for a longer time and thought
> i should mention them - in case of running the test-suite
> completly alone i would not expect that
> /usr/bin/su -c 'cd /usr/share/mysql-test; ./mysql-test-run.pl
> --default-myisam --parallel=1 --max-test-fail=0
> --mysqld=--binlog-format=mixed --skip-ndb --force' mysql

Fixed, thanks.

Your command line made certain rpl tests to be started and then skipped
because they shouldn't be run with binlog-format=mixed.

We never run mysql-test-run like you did, so not all tests expected that
- and they caused following tests to fail.

Normally tests that require binlog-format=row or stmt are not even
started for mixed.

