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Re: Row size too large


WTF: "the innodb_log_file_size setting should be 10 times larger than the largest BLOB data size found in the rows of your tables" - how is that maintainable for a sysadmin?

the whole (file_per_table) database folder is 129 MB, innodb_log_file_sizeis 128 MB and nobody can seriously explain me that i need a innodb_log_file_size with magnitudes of the whole datasize

Am 20.01.2015 um 03:04 schrieb Jean Weisbuch:
It seems that the limitation has been introduced on MySQL 5.6.20 :

Le 20/01/2015 01:03, Reindl Harald a écrit :
InnoDB: The total blob data length (13476124) is greater than 10% of
the redo log file size (5120). Please increase innodb_log_file_size

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