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doubt about best engine


hi guys, i'm with doubt about the "best" engine (best = no INSERT lag
~0.100s or less, good SELECT speed ~ 1 to 10 seconds is ok)

i have two tables, they only "receive" INSERT and SELECT queries (no
they increase 200MB/day and 3.000.000 rows/day

my doubt is, how to have small database size and good read rate?
it have ~ 104 inserts / second, but each insert is multi values like
... INSERT INTO table VALUES (),(),(),(),(),() ....

in other words... today i'm using aria (it's crash safe) and i don't have
problems with concurrent insert / table locks etc, my doubt is about table
size and read speed with bigger database

i'm considering using spider engine or any other shard system with >100GB ,
or maybe a big raid-6 system,
server is a xeon 8core with 16GB and 2hd 500GB RAID1 SAS (>180MB/s)

the client side is a C++ program that i don't have access to change and
recompile it, in other words i can only change server side and load balance

data table is something like:
(datetime decimal(22,6),value decimal(22,6))

the SELECT code use most part of recent data ~5 DAYS, in outlier queries
something near to ~1 MONTH ago

ideas are wellcome

Roberto Spadim

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