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New Question: MariaDB Error Code -> Windows ERRORLEVEL



A new question has been asked in "Error Codes" by patkoshar. Please answer it at http://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-error-code-windows-errorlevel/ as the person asking the question may not be subscribed to the mailing list.


   Is there a known issue or problem with how/when MariaDB returns error codes from calling '--execute' on *.sql scripts in Windows?

   It seems like certain errors are detected and returned as such, and others are not. For example, a *.sql file of completely random bytes will set the Windows ERRORLEVEL=1 after failing, reporting the following error:

      ERROR: ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement...

   Another *.sql file that references an unknown database will set the Windows ERRORLEVEL=0, but still textually report an error after failing:

      ERROR 1049 (42000) at line 1 in file...

   Any ideas?

Thank you!

To view or answer this question please visit: http://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-error-code-windows-errorlevel/