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MariaDB JIRA is moving


The MariaDB JIRA instance that currently is in use for project and
issue tracking will change. The current instance is hosted in
Atlassian's cloud and it has worked well, but we have hit the maximum
user limit of 2000 users. It's fantastic to see how many of you
actually report bugs and other issues in the MariaDB project!

To hit that limit also means that we have to migrate over to a
self-hosted instance of JIRA. Below are important details about that

When will the switch happen:
Sat 27th of Feb

What is the impact for me as a user of MariaDB's JIRA:
1. URL change - The current instance is hosted in Atalassian's cloud
and has the URL mariadb.atlassian.net. The new one will be found at
jira.mariadb.org starting from 28th of Feb.
2. RSS feeds - If you have been using JIRA's RSS feeds, you'll need to
set up them again since the URL is changing

What will happen to old JIRA:
The mariadb.atlassian.net JIRA instance will be put into read-only
mode and a banner will be visible on each page telling the URL of the
new MariaDB JIRA instance. It will remain this way for some time since
it has been referenced quite heavily from other sites.

source: https://mariadb.org/mariadb-jira-is-moving/


Rasmus Johansson, VP Engineering
MariaDB | t: +358 50 499 9589 | Skype: ratzpo