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Re: New Question: Wierd tables in mysql system database


Am 22.02.2016 um 01:45 schrieb AskMonty KB:
I can see additional tables in the mysql system database in mariadbin our environment:

below is the output of show tables: MariaDB [mysql]> show full tables; +---------------------------+------------+ | Tables_in_mysql | Table_type | +---------------------------+------------+ | ahelkk | BASE TABLE | | ahxgcg | BASE TABLE | | akysit32 | BASE TABLE | | amtyyy | BASE TABLE | | aucykv32 | BASE TABLE | | avjyfr | BASE TABLE | | azimlo32 | BASE TABLE | | bdbtrg32 | BASE TABLE | | bguwtk32 | BASE TABLE | | blpqss | BASE TABLE | | brafih | BASE TABLE | | bsbwxu | BASE TABLE | | ccadhg32 | BASE TABLE | | cmdtsw32 | BASE TABLE | | column_stats | BASE TABLE | | columns_priv | BASE TABLE | | ctpsqi | BASE TABLE | | ctrkwg | BASE TABLE | | cyubjk | BASE TABLE | | db | BASE TABLE | | event | BASE TABLE | | fbuiud | BASE TABLE | | fjzzfq32 | BASE TABLE | | flrqbb32 | BASE TABLE | | fqewut32 | BASE TABLE | | fryhrd | BASE TABLE | | func | BASE TABLE | | gbsutw | BASE TABLE | | general_log | BASE TABLE | | gmidqb | BASE TABLE | | gothrx | BASE TABLE | | gtid_slave_pos | BASE TA
  BLE | | gzsvhs32 | BASE TABLE | | hdeavq32 | BASE TABLE | | help_category | BASE TABLE | | help_keyword | BASE TABLE | | help_relation | BASE TABLE | | help_topic | BASE TABLE | | host | BASE TABLE | | hrkyld32 | BASE TABLE | | hygrpv32 | BASE TABLE | | ibugsz | BASE TABLE | | ihpyuc | BASE TABLE | | index_stats | BASE TABLE | | innodb_index_stats | BASE TABLE | | innodb_table_stats | BASE TABLE | | iozatq32 | BASE TABLE | | jnuujq | BASE TABLE | | jqugjw | BASE TABLE | | kbnvvb | BASE TABLE | | kekqtj | BASE TABLE | | kftigg32 | BASE TABLE | | laohij | BASE TABLE | | mkgqnj32 | BASE TABLE | | mljiue32 | BASE TABLE | | molina | BASE TABLE | | mwpefl32 | BASE TABLE | | nbbphu | BASE TABLE | | ngyful | BASE TABLE | | niggpy32 | BASE TABLE | | nljabx32 | BASE TABLE | | noncef32 | BASE TABLE | | nqndzp32 | BASE TABLE | | ochwks32 | BASE TABLE | | oifzmo | BASE TABLE | | otrjmp32 | BASE TABLE | | ovpjpb | BASE TABLE | | ozecir32 | BASE TABLE | | pgyniw32 | BASE TABLE | | plugin |
MariaDB [mysql]> describe zmbics32; +-------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | data | longblob | YES | | NULL | | +-------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

My question is this something a mariadb behaviour or an application behavious.

I have checked with the application team and they are convinced that it is not the application creating these tables.

that are for sure *not* mariadb tables, especially not with longblob

is your databaseserver reachable over the internet or proper secured?
what data are inside that ables?

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