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New Question: MariaDB Connector for Windows (1.05)



A new question has been asked in "MariaDB Connector/ODBC" by fred_taylor_g. Please answer it at http://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-connector-for-windows-105/ as the person asking the question may not be subscribed to the mailing list.

I'm trying to connect to a MariaDB 10 database using the MariaDB ODBC Connector 1.05 on a WIN7 32 bit machine, but I can't get connected using it as I get an "Connectivity Error: Unknown system variable 'max_allowed_packet_size'".  I can create a DSN and the "test" says it works, but I get the same error trying to use that DSN from Visual FoxPro 9.0/SP2.  It fails with the above error trying a connection string in VFP:

SQLSTRINGCONNECT("Driver={MariaDB ODBC 1.0 Driver};Server=localhost;UID=myuser;PWD=mypwd;DB=test;Port=3306;")

Any explanations,as I can't find anything on 'max_allowed_packet_size'?

To view or answer this question please visit: http://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-connector-for-windows-105/