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Re: SQL_MODE=ORACLE documentation


Hi, Alexander!

On Mar 05, Alexander Barkov wrote:
> For example, for the WHILE loop syntax,
> do we need an new PL/SQL article similar to
> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/while/ ,
> or should we put the PL/SQL WHILE syntax directly
> on this page.
> What do you think would be more readable?
> I'm slightly inclined towards having separate pages
> for SQL/PSM and PL/SQL, with links to each other
> in the "See Also" section.

I think it'd be clearer to have them on the same page, as the semantics
is mostly the same, only the syntax differs.

Oracle mode syntax could be wrapped in something similar to <<product>>
tags, so that it could be hidden when a user isn't interested in it.

Duplicating every related page would introduce the documentation
into the sql_yacc_ora.yy like mess.

Chief Architect MariaDB
and security@xxxxxxxxxxx

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