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dump optimization on update


Hi guys, i'm checking a dump optimization, probably a problem:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table WHERE pk1=1001 AND pk2='v' AND pk3=19808671980883

pk3 = bigint, pk1=integer, pkg2=enum('v','i','c')

this return "Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables", my
max(pk3) = 1923425, pk1 and pk2 exists

EXPLAIN UPDATE  table SET field1=1234  WHERE pk1=1001 AND pk2='v' AND

index=PRIMARY - rows = 1.055.901 - Using where
maybe update didn't check max value? it's a INNODB engine

this execute a full table read, and slowquery
# Query_time: 15.440127  Lock_time: 0.000079  Rows_sent: 0
Rows_examined: 1.914.183 (more than table rows)

-- thanks