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SST's TLS in Galera prevents bootstrapping a new cluster


Hi guys.

It's pretty strange, in fact so strange that I presume I must be messing up something rather that MariaDB/Galera behaving this way by design.
Thus before I paste any log snippets this question first:
Why having this -
tkey = /etc/my.cnf.d/certs/sst/sst.key
tcert = /etc/my.cnf.d/certs/sst/sst.crt
- would prevent a user to bootstrap new cluster?
If do not use tkey/tcert I can bootstrap fine and after, cluster is up & running I put those back, then very next restart of mariadb on any/each node will work just fine.

What is happening there some expert would mind to shed more light?
many thanks, L.