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[Question #81276]: Are media streams with WMA2 or WMAS supported by Medibuntu?


New question #81276 on Medibuntu:

First, I would like to say thank you for developing the Medibuntu project and addressing Medibuntu questions.  Ubuntu and Medibuntu are both a pleasure to use, work very well together, and make both better off for it.  

My question:

Are media streams with WMA2 or WMAS supported via Medibuntu and if not, is it in the works, being considered, or currently tackled by another project team?

The reason I ask this is due to a  recently posted Ubuntu bug:


This bug is regarding how Bloomberg streams via live tv via WMA2/WMAS and despite using a variety of Medibuntu/non-Medibuntu package permutations, nothing would allow both the video and sound to work.

Thanks for your help and happy bug squashing!

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