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mimblewimble team mailing list archive



Hi all,

Now that we finally have a public mailing-list, I thought I'd summarize here all the activity I'm aware of related to grin. In no special order:

- I've been trying to setup some project back infrastructure. This mailing list, IRC (which doesn't seem too welcoming right now), etc. Next on my list is continuous integration on our github repo.

- Andrew Poelstra has been giving nice talks, getting us some fun press: http://www.coindesk.com/coders-harry-potter-bitcoin-mimblewimble/

- Merope has started work on the Merkle Mountain Range. She's been busy otherwise but is committed to see this through.

- John Tromp has been helping out with code reviews, valuable feedback and is porting his Cuckoo miner to cuda.

- Andrew Poelstra is also working on crypto improvement. Things like sinking signatures replacements, improving the range proofs, longer term quantum resistance, etc.

- Garrick has been working on code cleanups, with an eye on security, and has a pull request that's almost ready to merge.

- The first pass at re-targeting, ported from Ethereum's, doesn't seem to fully satisfy some of you. John an I have been discussing improvements (hopefully keeping it simple).

- I'm rewriting the peer-to-peer module. Doing async I/O in Rust has been trickier than I thought and mioco (a I/O library) isn't cutting it.

- Once the p2p code is done, I'm hoping to have a first test/simulation framework that can create N nodes and make them do all sorts of things.

- I've been lazy on the documentation/spec side. I hope to fix that.

Hopefully I haven't missed anything important. Even shooting for a simple and minimal MimbleWimble implementation, there's a lot left to do and a lot more tricky decisions to make. I'll do everything I can to keep the journey interesting and constructive.

Thanks to all of you for your work.