mimblewimble team mailing list archive
mimblewimble team
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Message #00053
Re: Scriptless scripting and deniable swaps
> The people constructing the locktimes are depending on the security of the
> zero-knowledge proof (which could be as simple as just hashes being random
> oracles) and the security of the timelock puzzles (RSA problem being hard).
>> I don't see the downside of simply requiring a locktime on every kernel...
> Extra identifying data which miners can identify and censor,
Locktimes will generally be at or a few blocks behind the current tip.
>additional data being stored in the chain forever,
True; 4 bytes extra per kernel.
> additional validation cost for users who
> aren't involved in the contract, permanent complexity of adding specific
> contract enforcement logic to consensus code.
One comparison in each case; kernel.locktime >= blockindex
So the costs are small, but better avoided altogether I agree.
Can you elaborate on how to prove that the third privkey is indeed
equal to base^{2^largenumber} ?
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