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moonOS 3 Released!


Hello everybody!

I want to inform you moonOS 3 is released. It come with Enlightenment
0.16.999.60, Pidgin 2.6.1, Firefox 3.5.2 and more. I'll public
announcement in today at 09:09 pm GTM+7 so in the website is not update
yet. You can download it at Linuxfreedom: http://moonos.linuxfreedom.com
I'm currently working on moonOS 3 x64 Edition and it almost done so I
can release it soon. Oh! I forget, sorry for translation because I have
some problem with old po file and new po file. Some language are not
problem because they are retranslated.

Thank you!
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Chanrithy Thim (https://launchpad.net/~12rithy)
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