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Subscribing to a wildcard topic, feedback about topic path


This is related to Mosquitto but I suspect the same applies to any current implementation of MQTT. And of course I may be wrong as I'm new to MQTT!!!

I subscribe to a set of topics using wildcards:

bluewind@broker:~$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t /#

then I publish some data on a specific topic under that:

stefanoco@stefanocopc:~$ mosquitto_pub -h broker -t /stefanoco/test -m "Hello"

The message is shown as "Hello" at the subscriber's side, but no indication about the topic under it was published under is available, or am I wrong? Isn't this a limitation?

Thanks S.

  Stefano Costa, R&D Manager
  M +39 335 6565749
  Skype stefanocosta.bluewind

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