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Help to translate Debian-Installer (D-I)


Members of ms-translators,

I would like to invite all of you to help out in translating
Debian-Installer (or also known as D-I), which is the upstream for
Ubuntu Installer - the translations will benefits both Debian and
Ubuntu. What you need to do is just help in translating the PO files
as much as you can and send back the PO files to me so that I can
commit it back to the Debian SVN.

Attached are the PO files need to be translated. Translations can be
made by either using one of the following tools:
* KBabel - KDE | http://kbabel.kde.org/
* Gtranslator - Gnome | http://gtranslator.sourceforge.net/
* poEdit - cross-platforms | http://www.poedit.net/

Your help is very much appreciated !!



Nicholas Ng

Attachment: di-ms-20090322.zip
Description: Zip archive

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