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Re: [Ayatana] Idea: letting users of the testing distribution participate in testing and report feedback on different UI choices if they wish
Il giorno mer, 17/06/2009 alle 19.23 +0200, Martín Soto ha scritto:
> 2009/6/16 Vincenzo Ciancia <ciancia@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> If we manage to come this far (and I hope we do at some point) this is
> already a usability experiment. We'd have to design it properly
> though, so that results can be considered valid.
Yes. Let me remark that the idea of putting some polls (not necessarily
usability related) in the distribution is to avoid self-selection so
that would be a big benefit.
> We could use the testing distribution as a testing environment
> only for those users who, prompted by a clear question (a
> popup window maybe :P) when they install karmic (or karmic+1,
> I do not think we are in time for k), decide to participate in
> usability tests, involving changing the system in various ways
> for a week or so and then report feedback in a
> number-crunchable way.
> This is an excellent idea. We may have to delay discussing it,
> however, until we have something to actually test. Otherwise, we'll
> probably be discussing at a too abstract level.
> M. S.
Yes and I am still waiting for some more detail on the system-indicator,
in particular if it is going to include updates or not.