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Re: [Ayatana] Updates on Login
Siegfried Gevatter wrote:
> 2009/7/7 mac_v :
>> As you say, "chances are" i.e> user *can wait* but is not forced to,
>> but for a login update user *has to wait* .
>> Login update is a forced behavior. while the shutdown is the users
>> option to stick around!
> Why is it forced? If I understood the proposal correctly, you'd be
> asked if you want to update, and required to introduce your password
> for the updates to be installed. Nobody will "force" you to do
> anything.
Well... the user has to update at some point, right.
Even if he chooses to ignore it for now, he has to do it again at some
time. We are forcing him to wait,. He will have to sit idle , waiting
for the system to update.
While the shutdown update its his own choice to wait.