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[Ayatana] The old "installer getting stuck at 82%" issue :-)
I was wondering if bug/wishlist 294523 [1], about the installer (Ubuntu, Kubuntu possibly others) which
"gets stuck at 82%" for long periods during installation thereby ruining the install experience, has been
looked at by anyone for the Karmic release?
I had tried to mark it as a papercut candidate but apparently it didnt make the cut (was that a pun?).
This issue has been discussed on mailing lists and forums [2] for at least a few releases already.
Could it not be such that the operations done at 82% be moved to post-install or at first login?
In my case, it ruins what would be a pleasant 5 minute install experience into a dull/boring 20-30
minute wait and I don't think the proposed slideshow will help. As a workaround I usually unplug
my network cable and it doesn't complain, just progressing apparently normally. If it works without
a network cable (I think we can assume many users dont have Internet access) why not
postpone those 82% steps to later?
Vishal Rao
[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/294523
[2] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195557