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Re: [Ayatana] Notify OSD: Talk about giving the user preferences
Reading the entire "[Ayatana] New notification placement" thread, while
at the same time testing karmic, got me thinking about notifications. I
find that a lot of attention is being given to the positioning and
behaviour, but little consideration is being given to a users
preference. Notification have many attributes (position, timing,
effects) that could be user editable.
I have to agree with both Angel and Luke that although a default
positioning and behaviour needs to be chosen, ultimately the power of
choice should be given to the end user.
Where the notification configuration would reside could be a tough
choice. My preference from most to least favourite would be:
1) "Appearance" preferences
2) A new "Notifications" preference option (seen in Jaunty Alpha/Beta)
3) gconf database