mac_v wrote:
It is was not on the table for Karmic, that is, Mozilla had reservations last year about the non-interactivity of n-osd notifications and I think they prefer to see how the rest of the community reacts to our change before reconsidering a switch.From: David Barth <david.barth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: Steve Dodier <sidnioulz@xxxxxxxxx> Cc: ayatana@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Wednesday, 9 September, 2009 1:59:44 PM Subject: Re: [Ayatana] Notification consistency Steve Dodier wrote:+1 too, but it'll require Mozilla to natively support libnotify for their Linux client. I'm actually surprised it's still not the case...Mozilla has support for libnotify in their trunk branch, but they don't enable that build option by default. Now that the protocol has been standardized and approved by both Gnome and KDE, it would make sense for them to reconsider using that feature by default. David ^ This seems to have changed , Quoting Alexander Sack : <asac> notify-osd in particular was explicitly kept broken upstream because they see our way as a regression... I'v also tried to get a patch into the ubufox for this , but we are past feature freeze. asac's reply : too late for this cycle. features need to be carefully selected and after UDS discussion. we also need to talk to mozilla etc. So i guess we missed the chance for karmic.... :( I think what we've shown for now 2 releases, is that the non-interactivity of that kind of notification is well received, and actually becomes a desirable feature for users. The standardization work that we did with other projects (on the xdg list) should also help, along with the fact that now third-parties can really rely on a server capability to adapt their behavior. Last Mozilla not only uses Growl on the Mac but they also research similar notification mechanisms ( so I hope they will reconsider libnotify support in the future. David |