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[Ayatana] Fwd: Proposal of new UI element for windows in Ubuntu: Esfera
@Jim : same for me regarding the Maximize function, I think I almost never use it (I select the application in the task bar application I want to see, instead), but definitely not true for the Minimize, which I use really often, especially when I have a lot of windows open, and don't want to look for current window in the taskbar to minimize it. IMO, Minimize and Maximize features should not be considered as a "pack" : accepting to lose maximize does not mean losing minimize would be acceptable as well.
@DavidSiegel : +1 on this about the holistic and use-case-based approach, do you @canonicalUXteam already have defined some typical user cases that shall be adressed / improved by your work ? It could be nice to have this in order that both you and the community work on the same basis.
Yann Lossouarn
----- "David Siegel" <david.siegel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> "Holistic" is a good word -- we should definitely have a broader
> discussion about user's window management needs and the UI that would
> address those needs, driven by use cases (e.g. "User wants a
> spreadsheet, a calculator, and a web page all on the screen at once"
> or "User wants two File Manager windows side-by-side to drag files
> between them").