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Re: [Ayatana] Hovering to open items on the top panel
On 22 April 2010 17:30, Chow Loong Jin wrote:
> On Thursday 22,April,2010 10:51 PM, Luke Benstead wrote:
>> Then I thought, it would be pretty cool if all the menus on the panel
>> (including Applications, Places, System, Me menu, Indicators and the
>> calendar ) opened on hover. That would reduce pretty much any action
>> on the top panel to a single click (e.g. launching a program, opening
>> a folder, setting your status etc.)
> It makes the accidental hover over these menus a lot more painful. I'd rather
> not have this.
Ditto. But I think this still can be made to work. This unwanted
accidental case can be avoided with careful tuning:
a- put a delay in the "open menu on hover" behavior. This makes the
error less likely.
b- if the user didn't click the menu label, hide the menu as soon as
the mouse leaves the menu boundaries. This make the error less painful
if unwanted opening happens.
c- if the user did click the menu label, don't hide the menu by moving
the mouse away. This prevents b) being hurtful in the case where the
user does want to interact with the menu.