2010/5/12 Frederik Nnaji
Ensuring the alert sounds are loud enough to be heard over other sounds
- -- whether by making them temporarily louder, or making the other sounds
temporarily softer -- is an interesting idea, but it seems out of scope
for the sound menu itself.
can be handled automatically by "side-chaining".
does pulse know side-chaining?
I don't think so, but it's probably possible to create a module for that. Anyway, thanks for the pointer, I'll look further into this idea.
i wouldn't want main volume to change automatically..
this is a very individual thing that should be left to the user's individual preference/control..
People want to control the volume of the streams coming out of the computer: music, VOIP, movie, etc. I think we all agree that control over those volumes should be left in the user's hands. The question is what's the best way for them to exert that control. Our current method involves setting volumes for a number of individual streams, which are then combined into a single stream for which the user must also set a volume (the so-called main volume). This is complicated and confusing for most people.
The flat volumes system, on the other hand, determines the main volume automatically based on the volumes set for the individual streams. The idea is to look at the individual volume settings as absolute, not relative to the main volume. So, for example, if someone sets his Rhythmbox volume to 70%, we interpret that she wants music to play at 70% of her sound card's maximum volume, and automatically set the main volume in such a way that this is achieved.
This method doesn't impose any limitations on the user, because she'll still be able to precisely set the volume for whatever she's listening to. The advantage is that she'll be presented with a simpler model: just set the volume for whatever source you're listening to, and that's precisely what you'll hear.
Altering the dynamics of digital audio information would alter the information or message itself..
I probably wasn't clear enough, but indeed I'm not proposing to alter any playing streams, but just to measure them and otherwise leave them alone. The idea is that you determine the loudness of whatever is currently playing, and then use that to adjust the volume of any notification sounds that are played on top of that. So the only thing that would be altered would be the volume of the notifications.