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[Ayatana] Papercut or not? Bug #495403 in One Hundred Paper Cuts: “Do not raise windows or dialogs without user input”


I would like to ask for some feedback regarding bug
<https://launchpad.net/bugs/495403>, which was reported in December
2009 and is still pending as a papercut. The reported issue is that it
is possible for windows to steal the focus when you're typing
something. The example given by the reporter was when connecting to
several servers at the same time with Nautilus. Due to a delay in the
load time of the servers he would already be filling in his password
for one of the servers when Nautilus would let a dialogue for another
server steal the focus, making him type half the password in the
different dialogue and then press enter.

This is indeed irritating behaviour, and I think it is something we
ought to fix, but I do have some questions.

Isn't this already solved? With autologin enabled you get a dialogue
from gnome-keyring that after having started e.g. Empathy for the
first time that asks for your password to unlock the keyring. I think
that it is already not possible to steal the focus of that dialogue.

Is this a valid papercut, i.e. is this easy to fix? I'm not familiar
with the source code, so I can't say.

Should we only prevent stealing the focus from dialogues, or also from
regular windows? I think it could work confusing to do this for all
windows, so I'd be in favour for just the dialogues.

Sense Hofstede
[ˈsɛn.sə ˈɦɔf.steː.də]