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Re: [Ayatana] Fw: Re: Rethink the noninteractive Live CD default boot?

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 04:50:52PM -0400, Alex Schoof wrote:
>    I don't think anyone would ever argue that we shouldn't be intergrity
>    checking boot media (or at least presenting the option); while I never
>    considered it a pain point, I guess I could see a new user getting
>    confused and giving up. Maybe the solution is to have the FIRST menu a
>    user sees be "boot or install", and *then* ask whether or not to check the
>    cd for defects (before any booting or installing happens). That way, the
>    user at least knows that the cd check is a normal part of the process;
>    that they are on the right track.
>    Thoughts?

If you want things to be easier and less confusing, then don't offer
the option. 

Make cd testing automatic unless an advanced parameter is used and
provide an option to cancel the media check. Cancelling the media
check should offer a confirm dialog saying why media checking is
important, but include examples of when it isn't necessary (for
instance, if you're booting from flash it's much less likely to be
needed). There's an argument for trying to detect if it's necessary,
but that gets more complex.

for((P=10**8,Q=P/100,X=320*Q/(`tput cols`-1),Y=210*Q/`tput lines`,y=-105*Q,v=-2\
20*Q,x=v;y<105*Q;x=v,y+=Y));do for((;x<P;a=b=i=k=c=0,x+=X));do for((;a*a+b*b<2*\
P*P&&i++<99;a=((c=a)*a-b*b)/P+x,b=2*c*b/P+y));do :;done;(((j=(i<99?i%16:0)+30)>\
37?k=1,j-=8:0));echo -ne "\E[$k;$j"mE;done;echo -e \\E[0m;done # Charles Cooke