It was certainly not my intention to "reinvent the wheel" here ;^) In my opinion the focus should just be on whether or not we improved users experiences by "hiding" the options at boot? If we want to keep the current behavior how could that be improved or made more user friendly? One thought I've seen talked about on the forums is simply adding a text message above or below the "emblems" to the effect of, "Press any key to display boot options", in English since that's the default language anyway. I'm not really wild about that idea though as I prefer the use of "emblems" much in the same way that road signs are now "internationalized". Maybe the design of the "emblems" could just be improved, or possibly just an increase in their font size? I often see folks at the forums refer to the "stick man and something else" :^) Above all else I don't see this as such a grave issue that we should over-complicate things and create a huge task for the developers. It's a tiny problem so shouldn't we focus on the simplest and least time consuming improvements? --- On Wed, 5/26/10, Mark Shuttleworth <mark.shuttleworth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: