2010/6/3 Jeremy Nickurak
The mail-notification package, with a fix for ssl support, and support for the messaging menu, would be ideal here, I think. Gm-notify (
https://launchpad.net/gm-notify ) does great for gmail apps
Yes, it is.
Tricky on this one. The nice thing about an independantly configurable mail checker (imo) is that you don't neccesarilly use the notifier in the same way as your mail client. You might want notification only about a few select folders/labels/accounts, but your mail checker will generally interact with everything.
Well, but I think user should be not forced to retype its account configuration. So mail-indicator should read Evolution/Thunderbird/whatever and import it. But user could disable some accounts.
b-c are easy. d is tricky with web-mail. gm-notify can open a particular folder in a client, but we need an API of some kind to say "open the mail client, with folder X".
If I'm not in wrong, mail-notification does it.