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Re: [Ayatana] Libappindicator rejected as an external dependancy for Gnome 3.0

The one thing it suggests to me immediately is that the notification area isn't going anywhere anytime soon, in the world outside Ubuntu.

I know the idea of removing the notification area entirely is in the works for Ubuntu, but if the rest of the world at large is going to stick with it... what's the compatability option? Should the application indicator applet accept normal notification icons (passing left, middle, right, and hover events through correctly)? Or does the idea of ditching the notification area need to be revisited? Or, is Ubuntu going to move away from supporting the notification area entirely, diverging further from what the rest of the Linux desktop world looks like?

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 18:53, Shane Fagan <shanepatrickfagan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 18:22 -0600, Jeremy Nickurak wrote:
> As mentioned in
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnome.devel.announce/101,
> libappindicator was rejected for use as an external dependancy for
> Gnome 3.0. As I understand it, that means that applications supported
> as a part of the Gnome 3.0 desktop cannot depend on libappindicator
> for use.
> How does this affect Ayatanna going forward? Can libappindicator going
> to be an optional compile-time component? Is this a sign that the
> application-indicator framework isn't going to see much adoption
> upstream, at least as is?

Well it doesnt mean much really. We can still use it in ubuntu it just
wont be part of the official Gnome desktop. Cleaning up the notification
area is kind of in Gnome 3 anyway though. Gnome Shell does some
indications in the bottom right corner and has the notification area
still up in the top right.


Jeremy Nickurak -= Email/XMPP: jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxx =-