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[Ayatana] Please explain me how application indicators increase consistency.
My point of view:
There were several sorts of activities indicators involved in.
1) Messaging indicator (I love it)
2) Downloads indicator. Today it's a crap and just spoil things: another
needless layer, but if they made progress bar for downloads, it would be
a brilliant
3) Me menu. It not very good. Not idea itself but design: horrible huge
menu which hard to catch an item. It really needs icons.
4) Application indicators (not volume, but things like transmission, rb,
etc). They are very different from first 3. The main purpose of first 2
is to get information, then make some actions. The 3rd is pointless. But
4th aim is to launch application as quick as possible. But how do I
perform this task? Is there any general way to do this? With
notification area I could just click the icon. But how can I do this
with indicators? What menu point should I click?
So, what consistency you are talking about? Consistency in appearance?
Why should they "messaging" indicator and "rhythmbox" indicator must
looks and feels the same if their workflows are completely different?
But you could achieve this by patching applications, more over, you
still need to patch these apps to work with indicators, so, what the
My point is: you broke usability consistency and only get some
appearance consistency, what might be attained without indicators.
I hope you will rework your plans about excluding notification area,
return upstream transmission and rhythmbox behaviour and try to estimate
correctly what tasks suit indicators well and what aren't.
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