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Re: [Ayatana] What should be Gwibber's behavior when acessed from the messaging menu?

On 08/06/10 20:28, Conscious User wrote:
> I gave a lot of thought on it, and couldn't figure out
> a good solution. If the user set up Gwibber for
> notify/indicate anything and not only mentions, things
> can get incredibly noisy and an Evolution-like
> approach (entries per account, with unread count)
> sound better than message-specific entries. But if
> the user *did* set notifications/indicators for only
> mentions, then message-specific indicators sound
> better.

I'm not sure if it survived to the current spec, but we said we wanted a
hard limit (around 7) of entries per app. The indicator would refuse to
display more, and have some way to tell the app which ones it was
dropping. That's to stop flooding.

So, a smart app would "collapse" to a more condensed view, based on that
feedback from the indicator.


> And, for both cases, the same question remains: what
> should happen when you click on the indicator? This
> is particularly hairy when you consider that the
> user can have multiple streams being shown, and
> there might be intersections among those streams
> (ex: one stream for Twitter, other for all replies)

Good questions!


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