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Re: [Ayatana] Application Menu bug consolidation and plans

On 14/06/10 18:59, nickwinlund@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
My message is to the passive group or those who lurk.. Please note that ``duped'' isn't a word. That is what you all should work on fixing technologically and socially in the future, and not creating new branches or nodes from the same tree when the equilibrium of GTK Apps is pretty smooth, now.

True versioning is ordering the submitted code by date, class and then a particular quality/component. Roman numeral I., roman numeral II., and so forth. I would focus on sorting project material by mercurial/hg command-line, and also using something Web-based. There are some here who may think that creating that ayatana-dev list is a diversion.

I think GTK Apps work is basic stuff and not too cyclical now, and if order is any new delineation occurring, people would be working on their versioned code on the side not without GTK Apps.  -Nick


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