On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 09:10, Martin Owens
<doctormo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 14:08 +0100, Luke Benstead wrote:
> Is there a reason why DockbarX is not suitable for this? I've attached
> a screenshot incase people dunno what I'm talking about :)
That is what you would get if you removed the ... from the bar when they
get resized.
I never understood why there was a ... when no text could fit.
How simple a solution can be! Did you file a bug on this already?
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 15:08, Luke Benstead
<kazade@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
And if anyone is willing and able to fix gnome-panel to make long-lived
minimized windows more compact, please submit patches for that too. :-)
Is there a reason why DockbarX is not suitable for this? I've attached a screenshot incase people dunno what I'm talking about :)
Because DockbarX [1] doesn't fix the problem.
AIUI, DockbarX shows small untitled buttons (every)where Window List would show large titled ones, in that way it does not behave properly for the proposed fix-to-be-made.
I do like much of the ideas, especially initiating the compiz window picker from dockbarx is cool