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Re: [Ayatana] Unity interface - my Beta review and proposals
On Monday, September 13, 2010 11:49:47 am Kerberos wrote:
> On 13/09/2010 16:15, "Scott Kitterman" <ubuntu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Monday, September 13, 2010 10:48:36 am frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >> Bill Gates is no enemy to Freedom, he is primarily interested in
> >> offering profitable commercial solutions, according to what he states
> >> in interviews and speeches.
> >> I think we are derailing a little here, too, so let's keep the wisdom on
> >> topic, if you agree..
> >
> > I agree with staying on topic, but not the part before that.
> >
> > Scott K
> Indeed. My original post was much longer and rantier so I just chopped it
> down to the quote. The anti-MS propaganda should stay on Ubuntuforums, or
> the mid 90's, where it belongs.
> Microsoft has 90%+ of the desktop market. Linux has slipped to a two year
> low of 0.85%. Microsoft are the primary competitor and should be treated
> with fear and respect. Why does MS have majority marketshare? Find the
> answer to that question and victory is almost assured.
> Besides every time someone takes a cheap shot at Windows, Microsoft, Bill
> Gates or Steve Ballmer you are taking a cheap shot at the people who
> voluntarily use such software. Insulting your target audience is never a
> good idea and will only increase the massive selection bias already present
> in the Linux community.
It's not propaganda when it's true. In my career I've only ever had to deal
with one company falsely claiming to have invented something I'd been involved
in developing in their patent application (and they were well aware since
their engineers had been involved too). Stating the truth is not a cheap
shot. I suspect you should probably stop now.
Scott K