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Re: [Ayatana] unity and notifications
> i still suggest morphing out the info text field from the bottom of
> the indicator array..
> Replacing the indicators with a notification is also a good idea, but
> seems to me to be more of a fancy theme for our notification bubbles,
> the default imo should be near the indicators yet should not obscure
> them. Remember: the indicator menus are for interaction, this area of
> the panel is for interaction, the indicators are not only control LEDs
> to monitor the state of a service..
> obscuring a group of special menu buttons would be too obtrusive..
I made a previous point about this, which unfortunately was completely
ignored: the indicators are *menus*, which means that interacting with
them involves clicking on them and *immediately after* moving the
cursor down, thus freeing the notification to reappear.
There might be situations when the user has no reason to move the
cursor afterwards (ex: he clicked on indicator-datetime just to
see the calendar), but in those he also has no strong reason to
stand still either.