So your telling me that when an indicator that you have a message shows up in the top right of the screen this presents�absolutely�no distraction to you? The very fact that there is any indication of a�received�message will cause some form of disruption. Further more Of course i'm not talking about pop-ups and i wish you didn't associate the idea with such. Presenting a small box in the lower right like in gshell allows the user to take advantage of the minor�interruption�of provide a quick reply.�Further�more, if you are so busy with the task at had I would assume your status is set at busy so there is no indication, sending the message to the tray or that maybe that person shouldn't be in your contact list. I would assume that�friends, or the people in your contact list, the people sending you a message, are more important then any current task at hand.
But of course I could agree with you, disk space is much much more important then your contacts.