On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 15:25, Conscious User
<conscioususer@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I think something as intrusive as popups are only acceptable for
urgent things like disk running out of space.
A phone ringing is a pretty annoying intrusion -- precisely because we accept that missing a phone call is a big deal, and should be jarring enough to make us pay attention to something annoying.
Similarly, an incoming VOIP call through Empathy, or an incoming IM with a potential employer (a situation I'm hitting right now) is a BIG DEAL to miss, and should be BIG and FLASHING and ANNOYING. :)
Is an email a big deal? Is an IM a big deal? Is a VOIP call a big deal?
I think it's impossible to get this right for everybody, so it really should be configurable. Further, I think we're far enough off a good "out-of-the-box" behavior that the defaults need some serious re-thinking.