On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 22:11, Jason Smith
<jason.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Best... email... ever...
On Fri, 2011-02-04 at 22:07 +0100,
frederik.nnaji@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Contact List has no launcher in the Unity Dock..
> there's the launcher for "Empathy", which opens Contact List
> sometimes, but it is not quite clear what exactly it is for.
good to know, heheeh ;)
I'm thinking further..
The launcher should really only launch Contact List, perhaps version 2.0 will launch Places>People.
Chat Preferences and Accounts should be called from System > Preferences > Chat & VoIP, which is today still being called "Messaging and VoIP".
Messaging and VoIP is quite misleading, since the Messaging Menu contains also Broadcast and Email.
So i would expect to be able to configure Chat, Broadcast and Email after picking that item in the System > Preferences menu.
Conversations deserve to be represented as what they are in the Unity Dock, which would be a speech bubble or an Avatar.
An Avatar would indicate a Conversation with one contact. A doubled speech bubble would then indicate multiple conversations, you could then pick the exact one from the quicklist.
Even then, the quicklist could show Avatars, already on hover, just like Window Previews used to be common practise on hover.
too much?