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Re: [Ayatana] Introduction and suggestion
> Actually, and I already mentioned this to Phong, but that isn't a
> mockup,, rather what my panel looks like after tweaking my Ambiance
> theme. The Panel does follow the user preferences.
My bad. Where I said "current visual of the panel" I actually meant
"current visual of the launcher". The launcher is hardcoded.
> I don't feel like the unity pane and the window titlebar are the same
> thing, rather the panel provides titlebar-like functionality in the
> case of a maximized window with focus. All other times, the panel
> serves as a place for indicators, the menu, and the dash button.
> Additionally, it continues to serve this purpose while holding the
> window controls for maximized windows, which I feel keeps it further
> separate from the titlebar. The panel isn't a titlebar, it's more. In
> this case, it's a part of unity, and should be visually consistent
> with it.
Those are all subjective opinions. We can play this semantic-tweaking
game all day, but there isn't much sense to it. :)
Repeating what I said in my previous email: the discussion is useless
if the launcher remains hardcoded. And if it becomes themable, then
it's purely a theme discussion and I'm not sure if it belongs to
this list.