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Re: [Ayatana] Dynamic menu items
----- "Shane Fagan" <shanepatrickfagan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > This "trend" against application menus is based on generalized assumptions
> > based on isolated examples of applications with "alternative" menus, mostly
> > chrome and firefox (ironically both have application menus in OSX AFAIK) and
> > it seems, as you mentioned, like making a change for the sake of change.
> >
> To repeat what I said to Kevin this list is about concepts to improve
> and smooth out stuff. Try not to knock out ideas just because they are
> far fetched just put your counter argument and let people make up
> their minds. I wasn't saying anything against application menus
> themselves I was just putting out an idea to improve upon them. I
> don't believe in the whole change for changes sake thing at all but if
> it aint broke don't fix it doesnt mean you cant think about making it
> better.
> --fagan
Ignore that last paragraph of mine, I mixed up the threads, it isn't related to what you wrote.