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Re: [Ayatana] Idea for improving visibility of running applications
Ed Lin I apologize for the rudeness of my latests replies. The reason behind it was that I was getting frustrated of you just pointing out weaknesses without any proposed solutions except for doing it as Gnome Shell.
As I said about the feature request am I new to this community and wasn't sure about how to proceed. My mockup was a design sketch as mockups are, not the end product. I hope we can leave that behind us now that we have a problem identified: some people prefer a window centric environment and some an app-centric, how are we supposed to please both groups? I myself prefer the window centric model and I hope we can make Unity more versatile for the two philosophies.
"A good interface could combine both and gradually
exposes additional features depending on the skills and expectations
of its user. But really that's for another thread."
Can't we continue the discussion here since we are already arguing here?
"I've made a mockup of my own. The goal was to improve the difference
between running and not running applications without introducing other
changes or preventing the implementation of a hidden application
before|after with two different designs (FF/Thunderbird and banshee at
the bottom):"
So what exactly is the mockup showing? Is the wider background box showing the currently focused application and FF and TB are hidden? Please provide us with further explaining of what is what in the mockup since the left launcher is already a configurable option in CCSM. One thing I noted immediately is the lack of the subtle background boxes in the right launcher. I don't think that is a good idea since those boxes gives uniformity to the launcher between the different states when a squared icon set isn't used. I don't think it would work well with the default icon set.