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Re: [Ayatana] What's up with all the non-resizable windows?

2011/10/14 nick rundy <nrundy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I agree! One of Ubuntu's strongest assets was being able to resize all windows. Upon installing 11.10, I was growing pissed off because I'm running into windows that I can't resize. For example, I was trying to add a Keyboard Shortcut and couldn't get the keyboard shortcut window to resize. It was infuriating.

I disagree with you about Windows7 though. I run into windows in Windows7 all the time that can't be resized. It's one of the reasons I hate using Windows.

Indeed, a maddening number of Win7 applications have non-resizable windows. However, most modern 1st-party applications have been moving away from non-resizable windows (the open/save dialogs are a good example of this!) Legacy and many 3rd-party applications are still infested with non-resizable windows, but the trend towards fluid designs is very very clear.

Hence my post!