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Re: [Ayatana] reduce the font and ui size!

2011/10/17 Matthew Paul Thomas <mpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

What would help here is for someone to make a screenshot comparison of
the same windows, laid out in exactly the same positions, on Ubuntu,
Windows, and OS X.


We might find that the problem is partly font size, but partly also
size and padding of interface controls.

 Here are two similar images showing the file browser and text editor in Windows 7 and Ubuntu Oneiric.
Padding (buttons) and font size are smaller and therefore the interface looks & feels cleaner in Windows 7. Thats the reason why smaller windows seems to be more useful in Windows than in Ubuntu (compared same sized windows).

Traditionally GNOME has a lot of padding (negative example → Totem controls) and wasts a lot of screen space (has been reduced a bit last cycles).

So what to do?

Kind regards

PS: If anybody uses Ubuntu, Win & and Mac and could make more comparison screenshots it would be awesome.
I use Windows only for gaming → my Wintendoo ;)